Posted by Sha
Filed under Announcements, Local, Results, Singapore Open Track & Field Championships, Track & Field
Date: 4-5 Sep, 1993
Venue Singapore Polytechnic Sports Complex
Results/Media Clips: Download Here
Description: The 55th Singapore Open Track & Field Championship was held 4-5 September 1993 at the Singapore Polytechnic Sports Complex at Dover Road. The 2-day event attracted about 400 competitors (150 was locals) from 11 countries such as Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Chinese Taipei and Thailand. The meet saw 5 C’ships records and 2 All-Comers records (See attached). The stadium was filled on both days, some 800 spectators came down on each seperate days. Japan came out tops with 29 medals followed by Thailand with 17 medals. S’pore finished fourth place with 14 medals, of which 2 golds was achieved.
Photos: Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the photos
24th Aug 2015