Posted by Sha
Filed under Announcements
Singapore Athletics Association would like to announce that we will be sending a team to the Malaysian Open, that is to be held on 30th to 31st October (Saturday and Sunday).
Athletes interested in the meet, please use the online form below to indicate your interest. Only athletes sanctioned by SAA will be able to compete overseas.
Please also use the below online form for any inquiries regarding Malaysian Open 2010.
To meet a certain standard, interested athletes should have been training this year long consistently, and have been competing in recent meets.
Athletes are to bear the cost for transport and accommodation as below:
Departing Date: Singapore 29th October 2010
Return Date: 1st November 2010
Travelling by train cost: $50 (approximation)
Accommodation: USD80 per night x 3 nights (As charged by MAAU, Malaysian Athletic Association)
5th Oct 2010
Tags: application, Malaysian Open