Posted by Sha
Filed under Announcements, Olympics
Singapore Athletics would like to highlight Rule 43 of the Olympic Charter.
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Rule 43 of the Olympic Charter
World Anti-Doping Code and the Olympic Movement – Code on the Prevention of Manipulation of Competitions:
- Compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code and the Olympic Movement Code on the Prevention of Manipulation of Competitions is mandatory for the whole Olympic Movement.
- The phenomenon of competition manipulation undermines the Olympic values as well as the credibility and inspirational value of sport.
- Competition manipulation is when an athlete or official cheats to remove the unpredictability of a competition. They may cheat to lose a competition or part of it, which is entirely against the Olympic spirit.
In order to prevent the proliferation of competition manipulations, all athletes should be well aware of the Code of Conduct of the Olympic Movement Unit on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Sport Competitions:
- Never bet on your won sport or the Olympic Games.
- Never manipulate a competition and always do your best.
- Never share inside information. Non-public information about your sport stays private.
Always report an approach to manipulate or anything suspicious to:
Rules and Violations
In order to best fight against the phenomenon the IOC adopted in December 2015 the Olympic Movement Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions. Breaches of the Olympic Movement Code are sanctionable.
The breaches of the Olympic Movement Code include 6 main actions/omissions:
- Betting on one’s sport
- Sharing of inside information
- Corrupt conduct / manipulation
- Failure to cooperate
- Failure to report
Relevant breaches of the Code not only undermine the credibility of your sport, but also the credibility of the overall sports movement and all athletes. It is therefore not only a responsibility, but also a moral duty of all of us to report anything that comes to our attention and looks suspicious. It is our right and responsibility to contribute to protect the moral integrity of our fellow athletes and our sport, by informing in a safe way, any potential breach that comes to our attention.
Report any actions that have come to your attention to the IOC Integrity Hotline.
For more information, go to
1st Jun 2020
Tags: Olympic Charter Rule 43