The IAAF Regional Development Centre (RDC) Jakarta Jumps & Middle Long Distance (MLD) Seminar 2010 held recently saw 800m world record holder Wilson Kipketer in attendance to impart his experience and knowledge. Below are a couple of photos.
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Wilson Kipketer warming up with the seminar participants.
Our very own men’s marathon record holder M. Rameshon rubbing shoulder with Kipketer.
Steven Quek (left) SAA Chairman for X-country & Road Running, and Alan Koh (right) Wings Athletic Club 1st Vice-President giving complete attention to the legend.
A look at all the participants for the seminar.
Wilson Kipketer showing it how it is done.
Inside the classroom as Wilson Kipketer explains his methodology.
Tang Weng Fei (right) SAA President, and Wong William (left) SAA VP Finance, shares a light-hearted moment with Kipketer.
Kipketer is a hit with the kids.
The kids are engrossed in what Kipketer has to say.
16th Aug 2010