Wilson Kipketer visits the girls at Nanyang Girls’ High School for a one-to-one chat and also conducting a running clinic.
Link to full gallery: https://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=20766&id=144747762212639
Kipketer at the Nanyang Girls’ High School grounds. Present was also SAA’s VP of Finance, Mr. William Wong (right).
The 800m men’s World record holder taking questions from the girls.
Time for a group photo session outdoors.
No Kipketer wasn’t incensed at the photographer, trying to kick him. It’s just a demonstration to show a full running extension, and basic drills.
Yes girls, you’re getting the hang of it. Watch out for the photographer now.
The photographer becomes the pacer?
Kipketer is not short of fans.
From left to right: Local athletes Firdaus Juhari, Shaun Kok, and coaches Pedro Edmundo Soto Acuna and Tan Yew Ling having a Kodak moment.
19th Aug 2010