Posted by Sha
Filed under Announcements
A combined RUN & WALK TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS race will be held on Sunday 18 Dec 2011 at the ECP in which Teams of 4, each comprising of 2 runners and 2 walkers, will compete in 6 categories – men and women Open, Juniors and Veterans respectively.
Cash and lucky draw prizes will be given away. This is an opportunity for runners and walkers to come together and enjoy a race. Book this date in your diaries and watch out for details in due course.
Meanwhile Race Walk training sessions are on going and all are welcome.
Race Walk training session
Race walking is the ‘hips’ way to move.
Come join us in our Sunday morning training sessions where qualified coaches and experienced walkers will there to show you and offer you tips on the proper technique in this beautiful sport.
All are welcome, newbees and walkers of any standards, just show up in your most comfortable t-shirt and shorts and a pair of light sports shoes (which need not be the most expensive ones) and have fun.
And if your don’t like the sun, join us in the evening at 7.30 pm every Friday at the East Coast Park jogging track at the Fort Road end, meeting at Car Park B1.
9th Aug 2011
Tags: Racewalking