Posted by Sha
Filed under Announcements
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In consideration of the evolving COVID-19 situation, the relevant authorities, particularly the Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Education (MOE) and SportSG, have introduced and even mandated precautionary measures including ‘social distancing’. Singapore Athletics (SA) will observe and implement these measures accordingly – such as to regulate the number of people at our office, competition venues, and maximise space between persons.
The SA Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is premised on the principle of continuing in the pursuit of SA’s goals of promoting athletics and achieving the desired outcomes of SA. While SA will strictly adhere to MOH & MCCY guidelines, we will continue with our plans and scheduled activities, to provide training and competition opportunities for our athletes and coaches, as much as possible. While we navigate through this current challenge, we will also concurrently be preparing for the eventuality of normalcy.
A. SA Events
– Advisory for Events
- Singapore Athletics will adhere to and comply with MOH/MCCY/SportSG guidelines in taking COVID-19 precautionary measures as stated in the official MOH statement:
- SA is especially attentive to the MOH Advisory for Events and Gatherings as follows:
“14. All ticketed cultural, sports and entertainment events, with 250 participants or more, are to be deferred or cancelled. For events that have already been committed (e.g. tickets sold), organisers must demonstrate that satisfactory precautionary measures have been put in place before they can proceed.
15. For all other mass gatherings including private functions and religious services, organisers are advised to put in place the following precautions:
- Reduce the scale of events to below 250 participants where possible;
- Reduce the crowding of participants and improve ventilation. For example, participants could be seated at least a metre apart from one another, and be advised to reduce contact with others (e.g. avoid shaking hands);
- Put in place temperature and health screening measures, as well as turn away persons who are unwell; and
- Put in place measures to facilitate contact tracing if needed, such as obtaining contact details of participants.
16. Participants are also advised to practise social responsibility – monitor their own health condition and avoid attending gatherings and events if unwell.”
B. Standard Operating Procedures for SA Competitions during DORSCON Orange COVID-19 Alert
- SA will scale down the Singapore Open and Pre-National Schools Games competitions to performance trials and All-Comers Meets for the first half of 2020 until June 2020.
- Given that all regional and international competitions scheduled for the first half of 2020 have been cancelled, SA will continue to provide competition opportunities for athletes seeking to qualify for the World Junior Championships in July 2020 and the Olympic Games 2020. The operational plan for our scaled down competition trials are as follows:
- SA organized performance trials will be held at the Home of Athletics which could be locked and secured from public
- To include health advisory at the SA website
- To limit number of officials & helpers deployed to the absolute minimal (capped at 250 pax in total)
- Number of events will be kept to a minimal and scheduled to be completed within 2 hours
At competition site:
- All gates will be locked during competition and access will be controlled via Gate 1B
- Paramedics will be deployed at the entry point to assist in temperature taking and looking out for symptoms of COVID-19
- Persons with temperature of 38.0 deg and above will not be allowed entry and advised to see a doctor. His/her particulars will be taken and the Meet Manager will be alerted
- Athletes are strongly advised to only report to HOA not earlier than 1.5 hours before their event and to leave HOA within 30 min of the conclusion of their last event.
- Athletes, Coaches, Officials & Parents will be required to go through a temperature screening at HOA Gate 1, submit their travel declaration form before being allowed to enter the competition venue
- Everyone entering the HOA during the event will have their particulars taken (name, contact number & purpose of entry)
- The particulars will be made available should it be required by the authorities for contact tracing
- Athletes, Coaches and officials must avoid physical contact as much as is practicable, for example no shaking hands and no hugging.
- Ensure a distance of 1.5 metres is kept between yourself and others at all times.
- Time spent at the changing rooms or toilets to be kept to the minimal.
- As with all gatherings, basic protective measures should be observed, such as regular hand hygiene practices before, during and after the competition, do not share drink bottles, and avoid touching your face.
- Everyone is advised to remain in the shelters provided and maintain separation
- The competition schedule will be divided into 3 sessions as follows:
i. Session 1: 1400-1600hrs
ii. Session 2: 1630-1830hrs
iii. Session 3: 1900-2100hrs - Events will be spread out with slightly longer intervals between events, in order to minimize contact between athletes & coaches
- Athletes will not be required to report to the Call Room but report directly to the starting line
- At the end of each session, athletes, coaches and parents will be asked to leave the competition venue in order to limit and minimize the number of people congregating at the HOA. No spectators will be allowed to linger around
- A layout plan will be enforced to ensure social distancing and segregation
Social distancing measures:
C. Participation in Overseas Competitions/Courses
- During DORSCON Orange, SA will not be sending any athletes, coaches or officials for overseas competition, courses, conferences or workshops.
- SA will not sanction any athletes seeking to compete overseas. Singapore athletes who are currently based overseas will be allowed to participate in competitions, subject to the approval of the local authorities.
D. Training Environment
- The Home of Athletics, which is the centralized training venue for SA affiliates will continue to operated but will be wiped down and sanitized on alternate days.
- All approved users of the HOA during the SA exclusive booking slots are expected to comply with the instructions and guidelines put up at the HOA.
- No training will be allowed during competitions at HOA. This is to minimize crowding.
E. High Performance Plans
- All physical interaction will be kept to the minimum and only for essential purposes.
Thank you and warm regards.
Malik Aljunied
Executive Director
25th Mar 2020
Tags: Home of Athletics