Posted by Sha
Filed under Announcements
Singapore Athletics and Emaan Catalyst did a community involvement project to help the underprivileged and orphanage children in Cambodia from the 6th to 8th Dec 2019.
We accomplished our mission today by organizing a Kids’ Athletics Carnival. Emaan Catalyst will assist us by providing volunteers for our KA events in 2020.
We would like to thank our four volunteers and their parents from Victoria School for assisting us in the program.
It was an enriching experience for all of us. Most importantly, the Cambodian children were beaming with joy after a good session of KA Carnival.
Volunteering the above program helps us develop important values such as empathy and the ability to care for others. As an organisation, we want to feel for families in need and do our best to help them. This will also strengthen bonds between families and communities
9th Dec 2019
Tags: Emaan Catalyst, Photos